Wednesday 28 November 2018

Dnyaneshwari Compiled and Edited

In the early age of Shri Eknath, his guru used to read Dnyaneshwari and Amritanubhav and Comment thereon. In the beginning these Comments gave rise to a sort of, curiosity in the mind of Eknath about the author of these books. As Eknath grew in age, he also made it a practice to read these books as often as possbile. A close study of these books changed the original curiosity about the author into devotion.

Shri Eknath however noted that because of the different persons copying the books in the manner they liked, so many mistakes had crept therein. In those days we must remember, that there were no printing presses and all books were being copied by persons who used to have good handwriting and often times less intelligence. Hence there always was a possibility of mistakes creeping in at the time of copying.

Shri Eknath saw a few copies of Dnyaneshwari at different places and he found that the persons copying them had deviated from the original in many places. He therefore arranged to collect a number of copies of Dnyaneshwari from various places and after comparing them he decided the correct readings, thus arriving at an authentic edition of the book which was as much near to the original as possible.


“God appeared in a dream to Ekanath and asked him to go and repair the tomb of Dnyaneshwar. When Ekanath went there accordingly, he found a contractor ready to do all the work and take payment at the end. The contractor opened a big account in which all expenses were entered, with the names of all the workmen and wages paid. Everything went on systematically. When the work of repairs was completed, the accounts were looked into and the contractor paid his dues. Then the contractor and his big account book totally disappeared. Then alone Ekanath came to know that God was his contractor and did the work. Such things have happened.” 


EKANATH WAS WRITING the Ramayana, and when he came to the portion in which he was graphically describing that Hanuman jumped across the ocean to Lanka, he so identified himself with his hero Hanuman that unconsciously he leaped into the air and landed on the roof of his neighbour’s house.

This neighbour had always had a poor opinion of Ekanath, taking him for a humbug and religious hypocrite.

He heard a thud on his roof, and coming out to see what it was, discovered Ekanath lying down on the roof with a cadjan leaf in one hand and his iron stile in the other. The cadjan leaf had verses describing how Hanuman leapt across the sea.

This incident proved to the neighbour what a genuine bhakta Ekanath was and he became his disciple.
