Saturday 30 June 2012

Marriage and Uddhav,

Marriage and family life never came in the way of Shri Janardan Swami in following the path of righteousness. His disciple Shri Eknath Maharaj, also did not consider marriage as an obstacle in following religious practices. In due course he also thought of matrimony and was married to a well-behaved and chaste lady. Her name was Girijabai. She was always hospitable to the visitors and a willing worker at home. She always joined hands with her husband in welcoming each and everybody who visited their house.

At the time of the marriage of Shri Eknath one Shri Uddhav, who stayed at Bijapur and who was known to the family of Shri Eknath, came to Paithan and after the marriage he stayed permanently in the house of Eknath Maharaj.

This gentleman was a man of great capacity and he used to manage all the household affairs of Eknath Maharaj. Because of the "Sadavarta" referred to before, a number of grocery articles were required to be purchased and stored in the house very often. Apart from this, Shri Eknath Maharaj was a saint who was widely known in the country. Hence he always used to have a number of visitors everyday. All these visitors also were required to be sui¬tably entertained. Similarly the festivals, birthdays etc. of all the Gods like Rama, Krishna, Dutta, etc used to be celebrated when also a number of people used to visit Eknath's house.

To attend to all these jobs and manage all the household affairs of Eknath Maharaj was no small job and it required a man of various accomplishments. It goes to the credit of Uddhav that he managed all these jobs quite efficiently.

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